Surgical Endodontics
A study club design for Endodontists, Periodontists, and Oral Surgeons who are interested in different and nonconventional perspectives, philosophies and approaches to Surgical Endodontics. The study club curriculum reflects Prof. Abou-Rass, 55 years’ experience, and believes in the teaching and practice of endodontics.
- Study Club Period : Ten (10) consecutive weekly sessions, Two 2 hours each. Six (6) are presentations by Prof Abou-Rass and four (4) are interactive surgical case presentations by the Study club members.
- Wednesday Time: 8:00 PM. KSA
- Price: 2000 USD
Conventional, Endodontic, Periodontic, and restorative treatments constitute the bulk of services provided by every general dentistry practices. Some patients present cases where conventional endodontic retreatment is inadequate in the face of teeth restored with acceptable crowns and posts. Others present technically inadequate root fillings that require retreatment. However, retreatment is impossible due to impassable canal blockage.
Restorative Dentistry
Likewise, in restorative dentistry there are situations where the tooth of interest is endodontically treated and with healthy periapical and periradicular bone. but the clinical crown is not amenable to conventional crown preparation due to insufficient tooth structure for ferrule effect and biologic width space. The same situation is also observed in teeth which require endodontic treatment or retreatment.
Best practices
Best practice to resolve the endodontist problem is Surgical endodontics, and the best practice to resolve the restorative problem is surgical crown lengthening. The surgical approach is most conservative, biologic, practical, and clinically predictable. The surgical approach resolves the patient’s immediate problem, prevent tooth loss, Alveolar bone resorption, and soft tissue collapse all of which follow tooth extraction with or without implant placement. While Endodontic and Periodontic surgeries differ in objectives, they operate the tissues and structures, follow the same operative steps, and observe Halsted principles of Aseptic technique, Hemostasis, Sharp dissection, Gentle manipulation, and Fine suture.
Study Club Course Content
Surgical Endodontics: Past & Present
- Development
- Current Scope
- Interdisciplinary relations
Pre-surgery patient preparation procedures
- General health assessment.
- Review The findings of the 4R operational diagnosis protocol.
- Patients feedback; explaining treatment details, expected findings, prognosis.
- Preparation of the Mouth, quadrant, and tooth of interest.
Preparation for surgery
- Equipment
- Surgical instruments
- Materials and Medications
- Assistants
Anatomy surgical considerations
- Periodontium
- Endodontium
- Neural and vascular structures
- Radicular anatomy
- Adjacent anatomy structures
Operative surgical procedures
- Planning the horizontal and vertical incisions
- Flap elevation, exposure, and assessment of the cortical bone
- Pathology osseous window
- Surgical osseous window
- Locating & assessing the apical third root and bone
- Apical curettage
- Root- End-resection
- Root- End-assessment, Preparation, and obturation
- Tissue coaptation surgical closure
Postoperative patient management
- Postoperative instruction
- Complications management
- Medications
- Suture removal
- Healing Recall